Advocacy for the rights of women in Timor-Leste.
Advokasia kona-ba direitu feto sira iha Timor-Leste.
The Advocacy department at FOKUPERS constantly works to improve the lives of women in Timor-Leste.
Advocacy closely monitors government activity. From this, the team consults with community groups and responds to the government with statements, as well as lobbies for change through consultation with parliamentary groups and ministers.
FOKUPERS has also initiated the Rede-Referral Network, which provides coordinated support to victims of GBV. Currently directly managed by the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MSS), the Referral Network at the municipal level includes members such as the focal points from SEM, the VPU/ PNTL, local, national and international NGOs working together to increase the numbers of GBV victims seeking assistance and further improving the support systems for victims/survivors.
The Advocacy Team also provides a range of training to individuals, groups, partners, and communities. They train in trauma healing, leadership, advocacy, grassroots organising, management, and more.
Departamentu Advokasia iha FOKUPERS servisu nafatin atu hadi'a vida moris feto sira iha Timor-Leste.
Ekipa Advokasia monitor hamutuk atividade governu nian. Husi ida-ne'e, ekipa konsulta ho grupu sira komunidade no hatan ba governu ho deklarasaun, no mós lobi ba mudansa sira liuhosi konsultasaun ho grupu parlamentár no ministru.
FOKUPERS mós hahú Rede Rede-Referénsia, ne ' ebé fó apoiu ne ' ebé koordenadu ba vítima vbj. Dadaun ne'e diretamente jere husi Ministériu Solidariedade Sosiál (MSS), Rede Referénsia iha nível munisípiu sira, inklui membru sira ne ' ebé hanesan pontu fokál hosi SEM, UPV / PNTL, Ong lokál, nasionál no internasionál serbisu hamutuk atu aumenta númeru VBJ vítima sira buka tulun no hadi'a liu tan sistema apoiu ba vítima/sobrevivente.
Ekipa Advokasia ne'e mós fornese lubuk ida kona-ba formasaun ba ema, grupu, parseiru sira, no komunidade. Sira fó treinu iha trauma kura, lideransa, advokasia, baze ne'ebé resenseamentu, jestaun no seluk tan.