Aumenta koñesimentu ne'ebé importante ba feto no sosiedade sivil.

Increasing critical awareness of women and civil society.


The Community Awareness team at FOKUPERS works to have fellow NGOs, government, and the general public understand the issues that face women, and ways to combat gedner-based violence. 

One aspect of this work is working collaboratively with other NGOs. For example, last year FOKUPERS took part in the Gender Responsive Budgeting Working Group meeting with its other members,  including the Alola Foundation, Luta Hamutuk, Caucus, Men With a New Vision, and UN WOMEN. At the same time, FOKUPERS together with Luta Hamutuk made a manual for monitoring with a gender perspective about how to monitor gender sensitive budgeting, then conducted interviews about each member organisation’s needs, vision and mission.

The team also provides training around Timor-Leste's Law Against Domestic Violence to a variety of audiences - including village leaders and Church leaders. 

FOKUPERS runs a variety of media campaigns aimed at educating the people in Timor-Leste about the problem of GBV and methods to reduce it. 

Ekipa Konxiénsia Komunidade nian iha serbisu FOKUPERS atu maluk Ong sira, governu, no públiku en-jerál komprende kestaun sira ne ' ebé hasoru feto, no dalan atu kombate violénsia ne ' ebé bazeia ba gedner. 

Aspektu ida kona-ba serbisu neʼe mak serbisu kolaborativamente hamutuk ho Ong sira-seluk. Porezemplu, iha tinan kotuk FOKUPERS partisipa iha sorumutu Responsivu Orsamentu Grupu Traballu Jéneru ho ninia membru sira seluk, inklui Fundasaun Alola, Luta Hamutuk, Caucus, Mane Ho ba Vizaun Foun, no UN WOMEN. Iha tempu hanesan, FOKUPERS hamutuk ho Luta Hamutuk halo manuál ida ba monitorizasaun ho perspetiva jéneru nian ida kona-ba oinsá atu monitoriza jéneru sensitivu orsamentu, hafoin hala'o entrevista kona-ba membru organizasaun nian nesesidade, vizaun no misaun.

Ekipa ne'e mós fornese formasaun kona-ba Lei Timor-Leste Hasoru Violénsia Doméstika ba audénsia - ne ' ebé inklui lideransa suku no aldeia no lideransa Igreja oin-oin. 

FOKUPERS halai oin-oin kona-ba kampaña komunikasaun sosiál ne ' ebé ho objetivu atu eduka povu iha Timor-Leste kona-ba problema ne'e ba VBJ no métodu atu hamenus ida-neʼe. 

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