Trauma Healing & the Long-Lasting Psychological Effects of Gender-Based Violence. 


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Gender-based violence often results in psychological trauma for victims, and can take years to heal. In 2016 a group of NGOs, including Fokupers, developed a manual for counsellors to use when working with victims - to ensure the best outcome and brightest future for them.  

Violensia bazeia ba Jeneru dala barak liu rezulta ba iha trauma mental ba vitima, no bele foti tinan bark atu kura. Iha 2016 iha grupo NGO ida inklui mos ho FOKUPERS, Dezemvolve Mata dalan ba konselor para bele uza wainhira servisu ho vitima sira. Atu garantia rezultadu ne’e diak no futuru ne’ebe diak ba sira.


SAIDA MAK TRAUMA PSIKOLOJIA? | What is Psychological Trauma?

Trauma psikolojika hanesan tipo ne’ebe mak estraga ema nia hanoin, ne’ebe mosu  hanesan akontesimentu ne’ebe triste tebes. Tamba ida ne’e reaksaun individu ba eventu ida, kada ema ida-idak iha tipo no kbi’it kona ba trauma psikolojika bele diferente ka la hanesan. 

Psikolojia trauma bele manifesta iha dalan ka maneira oi-oin. Ema balu sai hirus no nervozudor. Balun hatudu neon susar no halo fraku tauk. Ema balu senti moe no balu sai dook no hakiduk husi berinteraksi ema ne’ebe haleu sira. Buat sira ne’e hotu hanesan maneira ita nia kakutak kontrola saida mak akontese.


Psychological trauma is a type of damage to the mind that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. Because this is an individual reaction to an event, types and severity of psychological trauma can vary between each person. 

Psychological trauma can manifest in many different ways. Some people become angry and irritable. Some exhibit anxiety and debilitating fear. Some people feel shame and embarrassment, and some people become distant and withdraw from interacting with people around them. All of this is the brain's way of coping with what has happened. 


SAIDA MAK KURA TRAUMA? | What is Trauma Healing?

Iha jeral, treinamentu kura trauma bele fo komprendesaun no konhesimentu oinsa atu identifika trauma, ida ne’e impaktu, no oinsa atu kontrola ida ne’e.

Kura trauma mak forma akonselamentu ne’ebe vitima sira bele explora eventu trauma ne’ebe akontese ba sira. Importante, ida ne’e hanesan explorasaun ne’ebe ambiente iha seguru no fo semangat. Wainhira sira bele koalia no ezamina esperiensia pasadu, sira bele dezemvolve tekniku ne’ebe sei ajuda sira maneja sira nia emosaun iha dalan ne’ebe diak. 

Konselor sira uza Tekniku no ezersisiu ne’ebe atu ajuda vitima sira liu husi prosesu ida ne’e. parte importante ida ba konselor atu dezemvolve ema ida-idak nia skill atu bele kontrola sira nia trauma no hatene sira nia forsa.


In general, trauma healing training was able to provide understanding and knowledge on how to identify the trauma, its impact, and how to deal with it.

Trauma healing is a form of counselling where victims can explore the traumatic events that happened to them. Importantly, this is explored in a safe and encouraging environment. Once they are able to talk about and examine past experiences, they can develop techniques that will help them manage their emotions in a healthy way. 

Different techniques and exercises are used by counsellors to help victims go through this process. An important role of the counsellor is to develop each person's skills to deal with their trauma and recognise their own strength. 


KURA TRAUMA NE’E LAO OINSA? | How does trauma healing work?

Akonselamentu Kura trauma ne’e bele uza variedade ida kona ba estrutura no metodu sira. Exercisiu sevisu balu atu enkoraja partisipante sira atu koalia kona ba esperiensia iha sira nia moris, no balu servisu atu hatudu maneira atu hatama perawatan diri ba partisipante sira nia moris. 

Ezemplo, metodu “River of Life”, participante sira bele dezena esperiensia importante durante sira-nia moris – contente no triste – no depois fahe sira-nia “river” ho participante seluk.

Seluk aspetu importante ba kura trauma iha dezenvolve planu ba asaun ba futuru. 


Trauma healing counselling can use a variety of structures and methods. Some exercises work to encourage participants to talk about experiences in their life, and some work to show ways to incorporate self-care into participant's lives. 

For example, the method of 'River of Life' requires participants to draw all important experiences throughout their life - whether happy or sad, and then share this river with other participants. 

Another important step in Trauma Healing is developing an action plan for the future, after the counselling session or sessions. 


OINSA MAK EMA SIRA SENTE DEPOIS ESPERIENSA AKONSELAMENTU KURA TRAUMA? | How do people feel after undergoing trauma healing counselling? 


Ida ne’e saida participante dehan depois esperiensa akonselamentu kura trauma ho FOKUPERS:

"Uluk, ha’u koko prosesu ha’u-nia esperiensia ho trauma ba tinan rua. Maibae, sei dificile ba ha’u. Hau bele sente frustradu tamba difficile ba esprime didiak saida mak ha’u sente. Kura trauma ne’e  ajuda ha’u prosesu trauma iha ha’u-nia moris la ho frustrasaun. “River of Life” ajuda ha’u bele esprima ha’u-nia sentimentu." 

- Participant


"Akonselamentu kura trauma iha importante ba ha’u. Ohin loron, Ha’u sente differente, komodu liu, no mos ha’u bele deskansa hodi kompara ho molok. Iha “River of Life”, ha’u hetan katak ha’u-nia memoria balu hamaluk ho esperensia sorun la iha processu tamba ha’u la iha capacidade bele identifika trauma katak liga ho ha’u-nia emosaun – no affetu ha’u-nia moris.”

- Participant

Here is some of the feedback from participants of trauma healing counselling with FOKUPERS: 

"I have tried to deal with my trauma experience with therapy on and off in different capacities for roughly 2 years,  but it’s still hard for me, I would get frustrated with the difficulty to properly express what I was feeling. But this trauma healing session has helped me process some trauma in my life without the frustrations, through “river of life” method, helps me a lot to express my feelings." 

- Participant


"This trauma healing training is very important to me, today I feel different, more comfortable, and able to relax compared to before. From session river of life I found out that some of my memories associated with adverse life experiences in past remain unprocessed due to lack of capacity to identify the trauma that may be linked to my emotions, negative cognitions, and it’s affect my life.”

- Participant



The Trauma Healing Manual is available for download above.

If you or someone you know requires trauma healing counselling, both FOKUPERS and PRADET are able to help:

PRADET (Psychosocial Recovery & Development in East Timor)

Compound Hospital National Guido Valadares
Dili, Timor Leste

Telephone: +670 332 1562

FOKUPERS (Forum Komunikasaun ba Feto Timor-Leste)

04, Rua des Dieretus Umanus, Farol
Dili, Timor-Leste

Telephone: +670 332 1534

Mata dalan ba kura trauma iha leten ba ita bele grava.

Karik ita, no ema ita hatene, presiza kura trauma, FOKUPERS no mos PRADET bele ajuda:

PRADET (Psychosocial Recovery & Development in East Timor)

Compound Hospital National Guido Valadares
Dili, Timor Leste

Telephone: +670 332 1562

FOKUPERS (Forum Komunikasaun ba Feto Timor-Leste)

04, Rua des Dieretus Umanus, Farol
Dili, Timor-Leste

Telephone: +670 332 1534