Thank you to the Sea Containers Project!
This week FOKUPERS received generous support from the Containers for Timor Project.
Semana ida ne'e FOKUPERS simu suporta jeneroza husi kontentór Sasan ba Projetu Timor.
An initiative of the Wanneroo Rotary Club in Australia, this project collects donations of household items, clothing, school supplies, medical supplies, and more from Australians and ships it to Timor-Leste.
Inisiativa ida kona-ba Perguntas Rotary Wanneroo nian, iha Austrália, projetu ida ne'e halibur donations kona-ba asuntu sira ne'ebé uma-kain, roupa, abastesimentu eskola, abastesimentu médiku sira, no liu husi Australians no ró ne'e ba Timor-Leste.
With the help of Peter and his wife Ima, who run the project in Timor-Leste, the FOKUPERS team were able to take supplies from the containers and distribute it to our networks both in Dili, and in the districts.
Ho tulun hosi Peter no ninia feen Ima, ne'ebé konkore ba projetu iha Timor-Leste, ekipa FOKUPERS mak bele simu abastesimentu hosi kontentór sasan no fahe neʼe ba ita-nia rede servisu sira iha Dili, no iha distritu sira.
In our Uma Mahon, we were able to use the kitchen items and crockery to make up home packages with additional clothing so that when victims are re-integrated with families they can take the packages with them. The Uma Mahon was also able to use the high chair, prams, clothing and kitchen materials so that women can take their children easily to the creche and go to school or study or work on starting an enterprise.
Iha ita-nia Uma-Mahon, ita mak bele uza ba sasán aprezentasaun no crockery atu halo pakote uma ho hatais adisional katak bainhira vítima integradu hikas fali ho família sira bele foti pakote hamutuk ho sira. Uma-Mahon ne'e mós bele uza prezide aas, prams, roupa no aprezentasaun sira atu nune'e feto sira bele foti sira-nia oan fasil atu creche ba no ba eskola ka estuda ka servisu kona-ba hahú empreza ida.
The toys and learning learning books and teaching materials have gone to our Creche here in Dili. The teachers here use them and also provide packages to the early learning groups that they are working with. We are very lucky to have such comprehensive support for the children here and know this will have the most sustainable long term benefits.
Ba toys no aprende livru aprendizajen no hanorin materiál tiha ona ba ita-nia Creche iha neʼe iha Dili. Profesór sira iha fatin ne'e uza sira no mós fornese pakote ba grupu aprende sedu ne'ebé sira halo servisu ho. Ita sei lucky tebes atu iha ne'e tiha ona atu fó apoiu ba labarik sira-neʼe, no hatene ida-ne'e sei hetan benefísiu sustentavel liu tempu naruk.
School chairs, desks, books, teachers materials, whiteboard and clothing has been delivered to the community of Vatulari in Viqueque, where it will be used at the Ensino Socunalario Goral Daralol-Iraler school. This school has about 150 children and prior to this support from Rotary, did not have any desks or chairs.
Kadeira eskola, staf, livru, materiál dosente, whiteboard no hatais ona entrega tiha ba komunidade Vatulari iha Viqueque, bainhira ida-neʼe sei uza iha eskola ba Ensino Socunalario Goral Daralol-Iraler. Eskola ida-ne'e iha labarik sira ne'ebé 150 no molok apoiu husi Rotary, la iha staf ka kadeira.
FOKUPERS would like to thank Peter, Ima, the Wanneroo Rotary Club, and the Containers for Timor Project. We are very grateful for the support offered!
FOKUPERS hakarak atu agradese ba Peter, Ima, Wanneroo Rotary Perguntas no kontentór Sasan sira ba Projetu Timor nian sira. Ami agradese tebes kona-ba apoiu ne'ebé oferese sira!