FOKUPERS Celebrates International Rural Women's Day

On October 15 every year, International Day of the Rural Woman is celebrated all over the world. The day is an important reminder of the role of women in agriculture - approximately 43% worldwide.* 

Iha fulan-Outubru 15 tinan-tinan, Loron Internasionál Feto Rurál ne'e sei selebra hotu-hotu iha mundu. Iha loron ne ' ebé sai nu'udar lembrete importante ida kona-ba papél feto iha agrikultura - 43% worldwide.*

It should also be recognised that in addition to this incredible labour force, women in Timor-Leste also perform the majority of informal work in rural communities, as well as domestic work in the home. Despite this large contribution, it is known that women suffer poverty-related issues disproportionately higher than their male counterparts. According to the UN, these women are "less able to access land, credit, agricultural inputs, markets, and high-value agri-food chains, and [they] obtain lower prices for their crops".*

Nia tenke mós hetan rekoñesimentu katak aleinde forsa traballu boot sira ne'e, feto sira iha Timor-Leste mós halo maioria servisu informal iha komunidade rurál sira, nune'e mós ba servisu doméstiku iha uma. Maski kontribuisaun boot ida ne'e, ida-neʼe mak hatene katak feto sira terus kiak-relasiona ho asuntu ho aas liu fali sira-nia maluk mane. Tuir ONU, feto sira-neʼe mak menus "less hetan asesu ba rai, kredita, fornesementu ba agrikultura, merkadu, no korrente valór aas agri-ai-han, no [sira] hetan folin ne ' ebé ki'ik liu ba sira-nia kolleita".*

As part of the day's celebrations, FOKUPERS staff travelled to Maliana in the Bobonaro district to run an economic empowerment workshop with local rural women. Check out the photos below to see highlights from the day, and head over to the UN's website to read more about rural women. 

Hanesan parte husi selebrasaun loron ne'e, funsionáriu FOKUPERS dezloka ba Maliana iha distritu Bobonaro halao semináriu empoderamentu ekonómiku ida ho feto rurál. Haree fotografia sira tuir mai atu haree haree husi loron ida ne'e, no hare mos UN website nian atu lee liután kona-ba feto iha área rurál. 

International Rural Women's Day 1.jpg
Rural Womens Day 2.jpg
Group at workshop.jpg

FOKUPERS would like to thank USAID, UN Women, Australian Aid, Rede Feto, Tomak, the Partnership for Human Development, SEIGUS, and WFP for their generous support of this event. 


Fokupers Timor-Leste