FOKUPERS works with the Asia Foundation
FOKUPERS staff have been working with the Asia Foundation to conduct social surveys in the districts of Ermera and Bobonaro. The aim of this project is to receive funding to build better WASH facilities in district schools.
FOKUPERS funsionáriu servisu ona ho Fundasaun Ázia hala'o levantamentu sosiál iha distritu Ermera no Bobonaro. Objetivu hosi projetu ida ne'e mak atu simu finansiamentu ba harii instalasaun FASE di'ak liu iha distritu eskola.
Our staff are supporting the Asia Foundation by travelling to districts and collecting information about:
- Infrastructure available in primary and secondary schools;
- Plans, programs, and budgets of the relevant Ministries;
- Capabilities of municipal authorities and the schools themselves; and
- The affect of poor wash facilities on the students.
Ita-nia funsionáriu sira apoia the Asia Foundation halo viajen ba distritu sira no halibur informasaun kona-ba:
- Infraestrutura ne'ebé iha eskola primária no sekundária;
- Planu, programa no orsamentu ministériu relevante;
- Kapabilidade sira hosi autoridade sira ne'ebé munisipál no eskola sira; no
- Afeta fase kiak fasilidade kona-ba estudante sira.
FOKUPERS staff first travelled to Ermera (Hatulia and Gleno) and Bobonaro (Maliana) in early October to meet with local teachers, students, community leaders, and parents, to introduce the project and gage opinion. Collectively a method for collecting data was decided on, and over the last two weeks our staff have been back to these towns to survey individuals.
FOKUPERS uluk dezloka ba Ermera (Hatulia no Gleno) no Bobonaro (Maliana) iha inisiu fulan-Outubru sedu atu hasoru malu ho profesór sira, estudante, lider komunitária, no inan-aman sira, atu introdús projetu no hetan opiniaun. Koletivamente métodu ida atu halibur dadus deside kona-ba, no durante semana rua ikus ami-nia funsionáriu sira fila fali ba fatin sira neʼebé hirak ne'e hodi halo intervista ho individual sira.
Check out the video above and photos below.
Haree vídeo iha leten, no haree fotografia sira ne'ebé iha kraik.