Minister for Social Solidarity Visits FOKUPERS

Last week the Minister for Social Solidarity, Dr. Florentina da Conceição Pereira Martins Smith, visited FOKUPERS as part of the 16 Day Campaign’s activities.

Iha semana kotuk, Ministra solidariedade Sosiál, Dr. Florentina da Conceição Pereira Martins Smith, vizita FOKUPERS hanesan parte ba atividade Kampaña Loron 16.

The Minister visited FOKUPERS staff in the Dili head office before heading down to the Uma Mahon to visit the women staying there. The Minister was greeted with a traditional dance before taking a tour and making a speech.

Ministra halo vizita ba staff FOKUPERS eskritóriu Farol Dili antes hakat ba Uma-Mahon ba vizita feto maluk sira neʼebé hela iha neʼebá. Ministru ne'e simu ho dansa tradisionál ida molok halo vizita no hato'o nia diskursu.

This was a great opportunity to share with the Minister the services that FOKUPERS provides to victims of gender-based violence. Opened in Dili in 1999, the Uma Mahon offers a safe place for victims to stay when leaving domestic abuse, or suffering another type of gender-based violence. The shelter has 24-hour security and dedicated staff to holistically care for all victims.

Ida-neʼe mak oportunidade ida ne’ebé boot atu fahe ho Ministra kona-ba servisu hirak FOKUPERS ne’ebé fornese ba vítima hosi violénsia ne’ebé bazeia ba jéneru. Loke iha Dili iha tinan 1999, Uma Mahon oferesefatin ne'ebe seguru ba vítima sira atu hela bainhira husik abuzu uma laran, ka susar sira seluk tipu violénsia ne’ebé bazeia ba jéneru. Ba hela-fatin iha seguransa oras 24 nia laran no pesoál ne'ebe dedika-an tau matan ba vítima sira hotu.

Take a look at the photos below!

Haree fotografia sira ne’ebé iha kraik ne'e! 


Fokupers Timor-Leste