Staff Graduate from Certificate III in Social Services
Over the past year, three FOKUPERS staff have been studying for their certificate III in Social Services to better support the women in their care. The staff work across legal and counselling areas within our victim assistance department, and were excited to gain new skills.
Durante tinan kotuk, funsionáriu FOKUPERS tolu iha ona estuda ba sira sertifikadu III iha Servisu Sosiál ba apoiu ne ' ebé di'ak liu feto sira-nia kuidadu. Funsionáriu sira ne ' ebé servisu iha área jurídika no konsellu iha ita-nia departamentu asisténsia ba vítima sira-nia laran, no sira excited atu hetan abilidade foun.
The certificate III is an accredited course developed by Sustainable Solutions Timor, and is supported by The Asia Foundation's Nabilan program. The course better prepares our staff to assist with women and children who have experienced violence.
Sertifikadu ba III ida klaru katak akreditasaun, ne ' ebé dezenvolve hosi Timor Solusaun Sustentável, no hetan apoiu hosi Fundasaun Ázia nia programa Nabilan. Kursu ne'e prepara di'ak liu ita-nia funsionáriu sira hodi ajuda feto no labarik sira-ne ' ebé mak esperiénsia ona violénsia.
Congratulations to all who graduated!
Parabéns ba hotu-hotu ne'ebé maka graduadu ona!