Statement: Kurríkulu Nasionál Pre-eskolár no Ensinu Báziku

Iha loron 9 fulan-abril 2018, Rede Advokasia ba Edukasaun haruka petisaun ba Prezidente Repúblika, Bankada partidu polítiku hotu no Dioseze Dili ne’ebé deklara sira rejeita alterasaun ba kurríkulu Pre-Eskolár no Ensinu Báziku ne’ebé hetan promulga iha fulan anteriór. Petisaun hetan asinatura husi indivíduu atus ida resin husi organizasaun naun-governmentál (ONG) rua-nulu-resin-lima, inklui FONGTIL, Fokupers, Fundasaun Alola, Asosiasaun HAK, La’o Hamutuk, HASATIL, Permatil, ADTL, RHTO, LABEH, MOFFE-TL, ACBIT, AJAR, Fundasaun Balos, Ba Futuro nst.

On 9 April 2018, the Advocacy Network for Education sent a petition declaring their rejection of recently promulgated alterations to the national preschool and basic education curriculums to the President of the Republic, all political parties, and the Catholic Church. The petition was signed by more than a hundred individuals from 25 organizations including FONGTIL, Fokupers, Fundasaun Alola, Asosiasaun HAK, La’o Hamutuk, HASATIL, Permatil, ADTL, RHTO, LABEH, MOFFE-TL, ACBIT, AJAR, Fundasaun Balos, nst.

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Fokupers Timor-Leste