Haforsa Feto, Hadia Moris: Hasoru Berta!

Berta, inan husi oan na’in 4 iha tinan 41 husi Oecusse, seidauk hatene oinsá jere nia kios ki’ik. Nia moris muda iha Fevereiru tinan ne’e, bainhira nia envolve iha Projetu POWER, ne’ebé suporta husi World Vision, Fundasaun Esperança Enclave Oecusse (FEEO) no FOKUPES.

Liuhosi treinamentu iha jestaun finanseiru no abilidade negosiu, Berta aprende oinsá jere osan, haburas nia negósiu, no sustenta nia família. Ho emprestimu ki’ik $100 husi nia grupu, nia expanda kios, tunu dosi, no komesa fa’an animal sira. Iha fulan 6 de’it, Berta hetan osan $600—ne’ebé sufisiente atu selu eskola ba nia oan sira.

“Ha’u agradese ba oportunidade ne’e. Agora ha’u bele jere osan ho di’ak no ha’u nia família moris di’ak liu,” hatete Berta.

Berta nia istória mak istória de’resa no empoderamentu. Agora, nia lidera grupu poupansa, fahe nia matenek ba komunidade no ajuda feto seluk atu tuir nia dalan.

Projetu POWER, ne’ebé suporta husi Uniaun Europeia, fó apoiu ba feto sira ne’ebé halo negosiu hanesan Berta iha Oecusse, liuhosi hanorin abilidade, meius subsisténsia alternativu, no enkoraja lideransa feto iha sira-nia komunidade.



Empowering Women, Transforming Lives: Meet Berta!

Berta, a 41-year-old mother of four from Oecusse, used to struggle with her small kiosk business, not knowing how to manage her finances. But her life changed after she joined the POWER project in February this year, supported by World Vision, Fundasaun Esperança Enclave Oecusse (FEEO) and FOKUPERS.

Through training in financial management and business skills, Berta learned how to handle money, grow her business, and support her family. With a small loan of $100 from her savings group, she expanded her kiosk, baked cakes, and started selling livestock. In just six months, Berta earned $600—enough to pay for her children's education.

“I’m grateful for this opportunity. Now, I can manage money wisely, and my family’s life is better,” Berta says.

Berta’s story is one of resilience and empowerment. Today, she leads her savings group, sharing knowledge with her community and helping other women follow in her footsteps.

The POWER project, funded by the European Union, supports women entrepreneurs like Berta in Oecusse by providing skills, alternative livelihoods, and encouraging women’s leadership in their communities.